Activities Architecture Europe Greece Historic Ikaria Rural Sightseeing tower

Drakano Tower – Ikaria’s Hellenistic Watchtower, Greece

We parked our car once the road got too rough to drive on, and walked the rest of the way.  The road wound past bee boxes, two beaches, with the blue Aegean flanking your right field of vision the entire way.  The road turned around a bend and that was when we saw it.  The Drakano Tower stood out starkly against the bright blue sky.  We finally made it!

Activities Architecture Europe Historic Rural Scotland Sightseeing Stone Circle

The Neolithic Ring of Brodgar in Orkney, Scotland

Scotland is, without a doubt, one of my favorite places in the world.  There is something incredibly wonderful and comfy about the entire country.  To me, it feels like home.  I will have to talk about so many of the lovely spots that I had the chance to visit while doing research for my masters thesis, but today, I will talk about just one amazing place.  The Ring of Brodgar in the Orkney Islands.

Activities Rural Sightseeing South Carolina Trees United States

The Formidable Angel Oak Tree in South Carolina

If you are ever visiting Charleston, South Carolina, I highly recommend taking a short 30 minute detour to visit the formidable Angel Oak Tree.  It is a magnificent Live Oak Tree whose limbs sprawl out wide and long reaching every which way.  It looks like the Tree of Life with its overarching presence. I’ve mentioned before my love for old, giant trees (see my post about the Kvilleken Oak tree).  This tree is one of the most beautiful that I’ve ever seen.  It is humbling and awe inspiring to be around.

Rural Sightseeing Sweden Trees

Visiting the grand Kvilleken Oak Tree in southern Sweden

It’s no secret that I absolutely love trees.  So when I stumbled upon the Monumental Trees website, it changed my world and led me to the Kvilleken Oak tree; a truly gem of a tree located in the heart of Sweden.