Activities Hiking New York Rural United States

Golden Fall at the Holt Preserve in upstate New York

Our little weekend adventures to the various preserves in our area have been one of the most wonderful things that we have started doing since our son was born.  Our initial intent was to get our son out of the city and into the woods.  Now, I see that it’s not just about getting him outside, but it’s for ourselves as well.  It keeps things in perspective to get out of the daily chaos into a quieter place.  This allows us to focus on the little things that matter, like the changing of the colors of the leaves, or the sound of a raven in the distance.

With that in mind, we visited the Mohawk Hudson Land Conservancy’s Winifred Matthews Holt Preserve in New Scotland, in upstate New York. It is my favorite Mohawk Hudson Land Conservancy preserve to date, and that’s saying a lot.